What Happens In a Beginner Pole Course

Embarking on your pole journey with TPR is a rewarding, fulfilling and supported one! Why? Because our programs are carefully designed to ensure you succeed. Through our 8 and 4-Week Courses, you will experience the endorphin rush, the community spirit and the accountability to keep you wanting to come back for more.

So what happens in our 8 and 4-Week Courses, you ask? We’ve got the goods here, so that you know what to look forward to, what events to mark in your calendars, and when you can start enrolling for your next course. Both cover the same level and amount of tricks, with the 4-Week course being more intensive.

Note: The 4-Week Course purely focusses on tricks, whilst the 8-Week Course incorporates both tricks and dance. It is compulsory for 4-Week Course students to complete an 8-Week Course prior to moving to a higher level, so that they can be comfortable with the slinky, flowy movement required for performing.

8-Week Course


It’s all happening! You’re now clocking in at the studios for your first classes! Learning the basics of pole and what-nots. You get the jitters, but surprise yourself with what you’re capable of once you step through the door. You bond with our pole mates, you get included in Whatsapp group chats. You may wake up sore the next day, but you’re always looking forward to the next.

Dressing up is half the fun! So in your first week, familiarise yourself with o
ur pole essentials list. and load up your goodie bag. 


You’ve probably warmed up the studio this week, have made new friends and are getting used to adding pole dancing to our daily routine. You’ve probably learned to climb the pole at and your pole bag is now packed with the right essentials.

Don’t forget to join the
TPR community page, we’ve got all the updates there!
While you’re at it, get social on Instagram and Facebook


It’s Beginner’s Night baby! Join us for nibbles and drinks and meet other students, learn more about TPR, upcoming events and what to expect within the 8 weeks. We get to share the reasons we started pole and hear about some of our instructors’ pole journeys too!

Craving inspiration? Check these blogs below:

Rock Bottom to Stronger Than Ever – Sarah’s story
A Male Pole Dancer Story
Why I Pole
From Buillied to Built-Up – Lauren’s story


The new timetable is up! Oooh exciting but wait, how the eff did time fly so fast? Yeah hun, it feels just like yesterday when you started your first pole class but now you’re half way through your course.

This week check the
TPR Community Page for your upcoming schedule. If you think you would love to repeat the same course (time and date), now is the time to book for the next term. But if you wanna move up to the next level, you gotta wait it out until grading week. More on that in week 7!


It’s crunch time and all that fun jazz!
You master your routines, make sure you stay consistent and even try as many dance classes as you can! By this time, your instructors will encourage you and build up your excitement to perform at the End-of-Term Performance Night! If you’re keen, kudos! If you’re a little shy, at least come and cheer along!


The next term’s timetable is now available for pre-registration! If you’re wanting to move up to a level, now is the perfect time to inform your Studio Managers about your preferred schedule and pre-register a spot. Some courses book out hell fast, so make sure you get to have your name on the waitlist.


You’ve made it to grading week! You’ve heard about grading through the grapevine but you’re not entirely sure what it is. Grading is your opportunity to show instructors everything you’ve learnt throughout your course, so that you can advance to the next level. Exciting! This is a friendly, interactive, group session where your instructor will ask you to perform tricks and techniques taught throughout the term.

There’s no need for nerves here – if you pass, congratulations on moving up to the next level! If you have tricks to polish, that’s totally fine as well. You can simply do the course again, until you’re confident to move on up.
Remember that everyone’s pole journey is unique, so go at your own pace and keep counting your wins.



Aaaaaannnddd just like that, you’re officially a pole superstar. You’ve developed incredible skills that few people could only imagine doing in a lifetime. Your confidence, flexibility, fitness, friendship groups and overall zest for life have transformed. But the most exciting part, is that you’re only at the beginning!

No other way to celebrate than to perform or support our fellow Tribe members at End-of-Term Performance Night. Showcased in front of small audiences, these happen at each studio and give students the opportunity to experience their first on-stage debuts. Costumes, make up, and mind-blowing performances are guaranteed!

4-Week Course

The 4-Week course is short but it’s definitely sweet, that’s for sure! Unlike its 8-week big sister, the 4-week program is quite intensive. You’ll still build your strength, flexibility and confidence, that’s for sure! But you’ll focus mainly on climbing the pole and tricks, truly an exciting and challenging prequel we’re certain you’re ready to conquer.


Just like in the 8-Week Course, this is the week when you get to meet your lovely instructors, pole buddies and of course your quirky Studio Managers. Whatsapp group chats will be popping on your phone giving you updates on your courses. Make sure you have your pole bag packed with the right equipment so you look and feel the part! 


You survived your first class, woohoo! The shock has dissipated, now it’s time to build your momentum! By this week, registrations are now open for the next full term (your Studio Manager knows what’s up). So make sure you enrol asap before your preferred schedule gets booked out.

And if you haven’t already, join the Tribe community page for anything pole related
. While you’re at it, get social on Instagram and Facebook


Pole jitters, who dat? By now you’ve probably already built your confidence and have felt the changes to your strength and flexibility. Crazy how your body can do so much more than you thought it could! Kudos babe, keep going. 


4 weeks of hardcore training is done! Congratulations on completing such an intensive experience, now its time to immerse yourself deeper into pole and move on to an 8-Week Beginner Course.

The 8-Week Beginner Course is where you will refine what you’ve done in the 4-Week Course, but incorporate dancing, so that you can have the opportunity to get on stage and move onto the next level. Make sure you’re enrolled via reception and ready to spin into next term!

If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self.  Click here to get started!



Starting Pole from Age 40+

We saw it, we wanted it, we hesitated with it. “What if I’m the only “older” one there?” “What if I’m not limber enough?” We’ve got all the questions running through our heads, holding us back from starting pole dancing at the golden ages of 40 and up! 

But hell, these years are the years we should throw all doubts behind and reinvent ourselves. We do us, we tick off our bucket list and do the things we feared in our younger years. TPR host 40+ and Fabulous Courses that do just that! If you’re on the fence, hear from our lovely 40+ tribe members and what made them finally say YES to pole and how it has changed their lives.

While you’re at it, head here to learn more about our 40+ & Fabulous Course.

40+ & Fabulous Course

Dani, 43

  • Reason for starting pole: Fitness, strength and fun. Tried it many years ago and keen to restart. The 40+ and Fabulous course was a great way to ease back in.
  • First impressions of TPR: Great set up, location and lovely staff.
  • What you’ve learnt about yourself by doing pole: I can do so much more than I imagined.
  • What you enjoy most about pole: Fun routines, teachers that can personalise teachings to the class and to individuals.
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Inclusive, patient, friendly.
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Just do it! You’re not too old!  Take it at your own pace. You will love it. Everyone is friendly, judgement-free and full of encouragement.

Raqx, 45

  • Reason for starting pole: The short answer is, I needed to be able to touch my toes. The long answer is, because I needed to participate in an exercise that I actually enjoyed and sparked happiness in my life (aka, not the gym). Pole is the only exercise where, not only am I working towards my ultimate goal, but I also get the opportunity to be fierce and sassy while I get there. I’m 40, not dead. 
  • First impressions of TPR: Staff are incredibly friendly, helpful and truly welcoming – check. Brilliant dance studios with awesome lighting that make you feel like a rockstar – check. A great bunch of people from all walks of life who you will soon be chatting with via Whatsapp groups, supporting and joining you on your pole journey – check. 
  • What you’ve learnt about themselves by doing pole: (WARNING: Games of Thrones analogy incoming) Imagine this, if you took a much older (and chunkier) Brienne of Tarth out of her armour and told her to climb a pole, that would be the best way to describe my starting point. However, as I have completed my first term of pole with TPR, I have started to notice the small improvements in strength and flexibility that bring me closer to becoming the pole dancer I want to be. Basically, I have learnt that it is from not giving up and keeping on trying and having fun. I will eventually land myself a Lannister, no matter where I started from.
  • What you enjoy most about pole: I get to finish my day at work and go dancing on a week night. 
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: This is a tribe that embraces you, encourages you, and helps you to achieve your pole goals. It’s not just the owners and the teachers that make this such a fabulous tribe, but it’s the great bunch of people who participate and support you along the way. Every time I leave class, although a little sore from the workout and attracting some “pole kisses,” I leave with the biggest smile on my face. 
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: YOU. CAN. DO. IT. Prior to joining TPR, I wanted to “get fit” and “build my strength” by using a gym membership to a magical place in Narnia I never went to. I saw 40+ and Fabulous and said to myself, “F It”, I jumped in head first.  I can honestly say I have zero regrets. Why?  Because no matter what stage you are at, TPR will support and respect the pace you need to take in order to reach your fitness and dancing goal. And hey, you won’t be the only fabulous one there 😊

Bromwyn, 52

  • Reason for starting pole: Social activity with my bestie!
  • First impression of TPR: Inviting and warm
  • What have you learned about yourself by doing pole: I’ve only done one class, but I know that I can laugh at myself and have fun with out being self conscious.
  • What do you enjoy most about pole: Meeting new people and realising I am ME and that is okay. Lumps and bumps included.
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Friendly, welcoming and extremely supportive of my achievements, no matter how small.
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Lumps, bumps are okay. You are not as sore after class as you think you may be. Sockettes are a must. Being uncoordinated and lacking in gracefulness are not reasons to not give it a go!

40+ & Fabulous Course



I’m unfit, have never done pole, and have never had any formal dance training. Is this for me? Join the club! We all have to start somewhere. This course is purely foundational and is designed so that you, as a student, have the best time working out. So don’t worry if you’ve never set foot in a studio or gym before – your incredible instructor will take you through each move gradually and progressively. We got you!

Where does the course take place? The 40+ & Fabulous Course runs out of our Mitcham, Kilsyth and Melbourne CBD studios.

How do I enrol? See how much goodness is included in the 40+ & Fabulous Course here and get in touch to get started.

What if I have more questions? Email [email protected] with your full name, preferred studio and phone number, and we’ll get in touch!

Are there any other 40+’s currently enrolled in the program? Absolutely! We recently had a huge milestone broken – 2,000 visits by one of our favourites clients Daphne who has been with us now since 2015. We also have a great student story from Sue Crute that you can read here. We really encourage you to read this interview if you are still unsure if pole dancing is for over 40’s.


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you (despite having a crazy schedule), make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. 

Pole Grading: Everything You Need to Know

As we develop on our pole dancing skills, we’re levelling up in so many ways. We feel sexier, more confident, more flexible and let’s not forget those happy endorphins! Additionally, each week brings new thrills as we refine our skills and take on more complex tricks. Those basic pole climbs that once seemed daunting are now a breeze, and before we know it, our once shy beginner-selves are ready to conquer new heights.

What is Grading?

Grading is an in-person assessment which determines if you are ready to move through the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Elite pole levels. It is conducted by a TPR instructor and is scheduled on the 7th and 8th weeks of an 8-Week Term. Aside from moving up another level, grading also helps students improve their skills, track their progress, and set goals.

If you’re ready to step further ahead in your pole journey, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will cover:

  • The Grading registration process
  • What to expect in a Grading session
  • Grading requirements for each level
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s get it!


The Grading registration process is as simple as 1, 2, 3 and 4:

  1. Show up to class! Make sure you show up in every course class you’re enrolled in. This way, you’re aligned with your goals and are steadily practising those core tricks. However, if circumstances are beyond your control, you can always book a Private lesson or Pole Jam class to make up for a missed session.
  2. Make sure you’ve completed the number of terms required to level up. Each level has its own number of rotation (terms) required to pass. These vary from 1-3 terms, depending on the level.
  3. Give your Studio Managers a nudge and let them know you want to book for grading. They will view your attendance and advise whether you are eligible. You may book at any studio you prefer for your grading too. 
  4. Once your Studio Manager gives you the go-ahead, they’ll arrange a grading appointment for you.


Once you have met all the criteria and are eligible to grade you will need to book the session. Grading sessions are free and are held at your studio at the end of week 6. Simply book the grading session as you would a casual class and show up.  


Showtime, sweetheart! On your scheduled slot, you will be joined by 6-7 students who will be going through the same motions as you. Each of you will take turns as you showcase your stuff in front of the instructor

Here’s a guide of what you should do and what to expect on your grading day:

STEP 1 Arrive at least 30 minutes before grading. Allow enough time to warm up and stretch, so you’re ready to jump straight in when it’s your turn.

STEP 2 – Your instructor will ask you to demonstrate the core tricks required for you to move to the next level. Remember, you will need to do the tricks on both sides; the good side and the rather challenging one. You will be asked to perform the tricks by yourself.

STEP 3 – Woohoo! Once you’re done and dusted, your instructor will let you know if you’re moving up to the next level or re-mastering the current one.

STEP 4 – Provided you pass, we make it official with a certificate! ‘Cause, bragging IG rights, hello! As your Studio Manager presents you with the goods, book straight into your next course and keep the momentum going.


Each level has its own core tricks and pre-requisites to pass, with each level varying in difficulty. Below is the list of each level and its core tricks and rotations.










What is Grading, why we do it and what to expect?


When is Grading week and when should I let my Studio Managers know that I’m keen to grade?

Grading Week will take place on the 7th and 8th weeks of the term. In the days leading up, you may let your Studio Managers know that you would like to move forward.

What do I bring or wear to Grading session?

Kneepads, shorts and a top will do the trick. You may also bring heels for the dance routine component of the Grading. A sweat towel and drink bottle is also a must.

Will there be any breaks during the grading session?

You and 3-4 other students will be graded individually in the session. This means you may rest in between your turn. Just make sure you are inside the grading room for the whole duration on the session.

Can I request feedback from the instructor?

Yes, your instructor will let you know which tricks require improvement and how you can improve them on the day.

Who will conduct the Grading session?

Grading will be conducted by one of TPR’s high-level instructors who know the curriculum inside-out.

How much does it cost to Grade?

Grading is absolutely-free as part of the TPR courses!

What if I don’t pass Grading?

Everyone progresses at a different pace and that’s totally fine! Some students may pass on the first go, whilst others may take a few tries. Just remember each individual journey is special and there is no race to run but your own. With consistency and a high level of commitment, however, you may expect to breeze through the levels like so:

Level timeframes are indicative only and depend on your commitment to the program.



The Pole Room’s skills-based courses are fun, relaxed and may be suited to the total beginner, right through to the seasonal competitor. Wherever you’re at, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Send a message to [email protected] for a complimentary trial class.

Complete 20 Sessions & WIN (Christmas Edition)

It’s the 20-Session Challenge you know and love, but with an XXXmas twist! Yes Tribe, Term 6 is all about celebrating summer festive vibes. What better motivation to feel your best as you get into the holidays. Consistency, accountability and excitement – here we come.

Term 6 is one for the books, because the vibe is all things Christmas-y. It’s your excuse to get raunchy and dress up naughty or nice. Your instructors will be choreographing to classic Christmas remakes, Jingle Bells remixes and maybe even some Michael Bublé. What a way to get into the spirit!

Get a chance to WIN $1000 IN TPR CREDIT  just by slipping on your heels and joining your classes on the regular. Simply complete 20 Sessions in Term 6 (starting Monday 7th of November 2022, ending Sunday 18th of December) and be sure to attend class in the first week to automatically be in the running! Casual classes, course sessions and private sessions count. Make room amongst all your Christmas and end-of-year parties.

You know the drill – show up, arrive on time and get into the groove over the 6-week period. Late cancels and no-shows will not be included and make sure you book in and show up – rain, hail or shine! The winner will be drawn live on TPR socials on Monday 19th of December.

Everyone who completes the 20 classes will receive a limited edition TPR singlet! 

The prize dollars can be used on in-studio classes, merch, private training, events and anything on the online Shop.

Are you up for the challenge (and a shot at $1000 TPR CREDIT)?! We sure are!


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Send a message to [email protected] for a complimentary trial class. X

Outside Hours Access is Here!

Wish you could practice outside regular studio hours? Need extra time on the pole to prep for a performance? Perhaps you just feel like shooting content for socials?! There are countless reasons why we’re excited to launch our Outside Hours Access!

The Outside Hours Access grants all TPR High Flyer Students with access to use Mitcham’s dedicated room outside regular studio open hours. High Flyer Members from all TPR studios are welcome to make the most, included as part of the membership. With your own key, you’ll have access to a beautiful room featuring:

  • 8 poles and a mirrored wall
  • Bluetooth sound system
  • Fans and air conditioning
  • Controllable neon lights (great for the selfies!)
  • Cleaning and hygiene facilities
  • Access to crash mats for when you’re working those tricks
  • First aid kit and phone for emergencies
  • Security cameras for safety

Use the Outside Hours Access to improve your technique, piece together a routine, or even take more mirror selfies! A huge bonus if you’re running on a busy schedule, but want more time out in your day-to-day. If you are a High Flyer Member and want the VIP treatment, submit this form to start the process. 


What can I do in the Outside Hours Access sessions? The floor is yours! The Outside Hours Access is treated as an unsupervised Practice Session (booked via the TPR App in 1-hour blocks), so you can do as you please to improve your pole repertoire. Dance, stretch, rehearse what you’ve done in class, and feel totally at home.

Can I access other rooms at the Mitcham Studio such as aerials and restrooms? At this stage, the Outside Access is restricted to the Mitcham Studio’s allocated room only. This means that toilets and other rooms will not be accessible. We will assess how we can accommodate this in the future.

I’m on a High Flyer Membership but want to invite other students to the Outside Hours Access. Am I able to do so? Outside Hours Access is strictly available for High Flyer Members only. High Flyer Members are able to book sessions at the same time as their fellow High Flyer Members, but no other persons may utilise the space at the time. This includes non-members, pets, or students.

Will there be multiple students using the space at the same time? The room may be booked by more than one student at a time. Everyone is expected to wave the TPR Tribe badge at all times – be friendly, welcoming, and respectful of each other’s privacy and space (especially if you’re filming).

Will I be taught how to use the sound system, lights, key fob, etc? Of course! Upon activating your Outside Hours Access, your Studio Manager will give you a complete induction on how to use the space. This includes general house keeping, practicing good hygiene, and safety/security features.

What times is Outside Hours Access accessible? The Outside Hours Access is open during the following times:

  • Monday-Thursday: 7am-4pm
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: 7am-10am
  • Sunday: 7am-4pm


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you (despite having a crazy schedule), make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!


Complete 20 Sessions & WIN

We’ve all been there – soooo giddy to instantly be good at something, especially pole dancing! Ahh those tricks are just so cool we want to smash it in a flash, take videos of it as proof and even show them to our pals! But we all know progress isn’t magic, it takes time and dedication!

But how exciting would it be if you were given a chance (ahemm, by us!) to get rewarded for your hard work! Yes, yes! We know! We’re not even halfway through the year yet but we’re playing Santa already.

Get a chance to WIN $1000 IN TPR CREDIT  just by slipping on your heels and joining your classes non-stop! Simply complete 20 Sessions in Term 3 (starting 23rd of May 2022, ending Sunday 17th of July) and ensure you attend class in the first week to automatically be in the running! Casual classes, course sessions and private sessions count, so fill up your calendar in advance.

All you gotta do is show up, arrive on time and have fun over the 8-week period. Late cancels and no-shows will not be included and make sure you book into classes early. The winner will be drawn and celebrated on TPR socials on Monday 18th of July.

Everyone who completes the 20 classes will receive a limited edition TPR singlet! 

The prize dollars can be used on in-studio classes, merch, private training, events and anything on the online Shop.

Are you up for the challenge (and a shot at $1000 TPR CREDIT)?! We sure are!


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Send a message to [email protected] for a complimentary trial class. X

How to Make the Most of Your Pole Journey

Pole dancing – smooth, sexy, sensual and fierce! That’s what we see. But take a peek behind the curtains, you’d realise it’s not a walk in the park. It takes a lot of dedication and determination to get to the top (in its figurative and literal sense). 

So how as a beginner student, do you make the most of your pole journey? We share our secrets here…

Take it one session at a time. Polers sure as hell don’t wake up with superhuman powers! It takes months of practice to realise a full range of motion and master even just one trick! Everyone starts out in an awkward, newly-birthed giraffe stage. But over time, they turn into a full grown graceful giraffe! It simply takes time and patience. So don’t get pressured if your hand springs look more like spring rolls to begin with – trust the process and stay consistent.

Set your own pace, run your own race. Sometimes we feel the pressure seeing our polemates nail a trick faster than we do, forgetting that we’re only in competition with ourselves. The secret to getting the most of your pole journey is to not compare yourself to your buddy! Focus on yourself. If you failed today, try again tomorrow. Every flower blooms in their own time.

Show up! Like any other skill, you can’t step up if you don’t show up. Dedication and determination are keys to progression! Your strength, stamina, flexibility, heck even your 8-inch heel balancing skills develop with time. 

Why so serious? Give yourself a good laugh! Failed a trick? Laugh! Tipped over your heel? Laugh! Slipped on the pole? Laugh! Standing outside in the rain by yourself? Laugh! Okay, maybe it’s better to take shelter, but hey you know what we mean. Everything in life cruises smoothly when you take things lightly. Embrace everything that goes with it! The burns, the morning-after body pains and the callouses! Don’t let them demotivate you, instead, let them inspire you! It’s a journey, isn’t it? So enjoy the spin! 

And last but the least, make friends! We call ourselves the TPR Tribe for the main reason we consider each and every one family! Even the ghost in the backroom occasionally sits down with us for some life advice. It’s always nice to have someone you can share anything with, especially if that someone can be anyone and everyone in the tribe! We’re here whenever you need help with choosing a heel, a pole outfit, learning a trick, naming your new pet, picking what outfit to wear to your office party, stress from work, science and the laws of gravity, someone to finish off your snack *wink wink*. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! 

So the next time you feel demotivated, remember that pole comes with ups and downs and flatlines in between. Enjoy and get the most out of every single part of it. And you’ll be on your way to the most awesome destination yet..the top, of the pole…and of yourself! 


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Enrol in an upcoming pole course today!. X

7 Reasons to Start Pole & Aerial Classes

Pole dancing and aerial are fierce and cool, there’s no question about it! But did you know that there are way more benefits to pole and aerials than just bragging rights, Insta-worthy photos and sassy selfies? YES, we know! Shocking right? 

Here’s the motivation for you (and your friends, and relatives, and colleagues) to start and keep going!

1. Unleash your power. Both pole and aerial require you to lift your body using every ounce of strength you have (particularly in your upper body). Some newbies are apprehensive about having zero strength but we’ve all been there. But let’s not forget about your mental strength too. By achieving what seems physically impossible, you train your mind to believe you can and will, do anything you set your mind too.

2. Rebuild long lost endurance. When was the last time you REALLY broke a sweat and exerted everything your body had? Regular pole and aerial classes will allow you to develop stamina that will have you feeling your absolute fittest. Increase your weekly sessions to heighten that endorphin rush!

3. Feel flexy! Believe us when we say we get bendy…A LOT! Yoga and pilates inspired stretches compliment the tricks and fluidity that make pole and aerial moves so damn inspiring. The Exorcist upside down going downstairs? Easy peasy! 😂

4. Achieve a full-on body workout. Not a single muscle in your body is spared from this workout! You’d be gripping the pole in places you didn’t realise could grip! Like, did you know that you could hoist yourself on an apparatus using just your chest and abdomen? Yeah you can! From your head rolls to your rotating knees, you will teach your body to do incredible things. With the exception of your tongue muscle. But don’t worry, your teacher’s working out hers when she shouts “POINT YOUR TOES!”.

5. Delve into an exercise you’ll actually look forward to. It’s everything but boring! Every session is exciting and brings you closer to your goal and closer to performing on stage! It’s a mix of dancing and body work, making it a fun workout! So fun it should be called a funout!

6. Practice confidence. We’ve been through that awkward phase too! We were once too critical of ourselves and our bodies. But pole dancing helped us embrace and love who we are more! By the end of the term, we came out more confident and self-loving! Shine and Performance Night? Bring it on!

7. Belong in tribe that loves you back! Finally, it’s all about the community. A gathering of wonderful people free of judgements. You walk in the door and already feels accepted. You keep on your on pace without having to worry about who you are and how you identify. 

That’s a wrap. Take the plunge and sign up for an experience that will have you doing the unthinkable. It might just change your life. 💜


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!


5 Things to Bring to Your First Pole Class

Okay, so you just signed up for your first ever pole dance class. You’re giddy and excited and can’t wait to try something cool and new! But while you’re packing your pole bag, you realise that pole dancing isn’t the gym you’re used to. So you’re wondering, “what should I bring to class?” First off, yourself! Of course. LOL okay, on to the next. 

Here’s a checklist of what to take to your pole debut:

1. Water Bottle. Hydration is essential! Pole dancing is a rigorous form of exercise and requires a lot of movement, cardio, flexing and bending. You need to keep yourself hydrated throughout the session. Don’t worry though, we have water stations for when you need a refill.

2. Pole Grip. Palms are sweaty? Eminem had a problem with that too! But nothing some pole grip can’t fix. Available in fun-size tubes at your studio, each one has different textures, scents and levels of grip, depending on your preference. Make sure you try them all until you find one that fits your training regimen just right. If you’re starting out, ask your studio manager for their best advice.

3. Towel. Towels serve more than one purpose. They’re not just for wiping off sweat. They’re handy for wiping down the pole too. So have a spare one on standby. You’ll thank us later.

4. Kneepads. Floor work and pole go hand-in-hand! There’ll be lots of knees sweeping the floor and rising up that pole! So make sure you have your kneepads ready. Take it from us, you want to be able to move freely, without having to worry about bruising.

5. Shorts. The more skin showing, the better. Not just because it shows off your go-getter self. Exposing more skin means you’ll be able to grip on the pole and execute tricks with more finesse. That’s why most of the pole vids you see on your feed show off short shorts and cropped tops. 

Most importantly, walk through those doors with enthusiasm. Your attitude will take you from total newbie to an inverting, splitting, dancing pole trickster. All good if you don’t have heels and heel protectors on hand. There’s plenty of styles at the studio for you to try on after your class.

So, you ready? Got your uplifting energy and your pole bag in check? Let’s go for a spin!


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!

New Course: 40+ and Fabulous!

Have you noticed how years go by in a breeze? The last time we checked, we were 20 and limber, but now we’re getting older and OOOFF! Gray hair and fine lines spotted! Our youthful days might have been gone but our sense of excitement has never left. We might be getting older but that doesn’t mean it will stop us from trying out something new and exciting…like pole dancing!

We understand that trying out new things is better when done with the right company!

That’s why we’re opening a new time slot just for that! Introducing our new course for the awesome humans who are 40+ but still kicking it like the rockstars they’ve always been (or wanting to be!)…

Introducing… 40+ and Fabulous! Yup, you read that right! 

The 40+ and Fabulous Course is exclusively for the young at heart who are keen on dancing around the pole but are more familiar with Olivia Newton-John, Madonna and Cher over Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa. Slip on attire that makes you feel good and let us teach you the skill of pole dancing!

Try new tricks and take the dance floor alongside lively souls who were with you through the trends of big hair, lycra and leg warmers. Surprise yourself as you build confidence, strength and flexibility through our fun, structured 8-week course. By the 8th week, you will have a whole bunch of pole tricks up your sleeve, along with awesome new friends, and a new zest for life!

You’ll also master a routine that you have the option to perform with a small group at the end of the course (but only if you dare hehe).

Set your own pace, run your own race! Everyone will progress at different rates and we’re here to support you.

40+ & Fabulous Course


I’m unfit, have never done pole, and have never had any formal dance training. Is the 40+ & Fabulous course for me? Join the club! We all have to start somewhere. This course is purely foundational and is designed so that you, as a student, have the best time working out. So don’t worry if you’ve never set foot in a studio or gym before – your incredible instructor will take you through each move gradually and progressively. We got you!

Where does the course take place? The 40+ and Fabulous Course runs out of our Mitcham, Kilsyth, Melbourne CBD and Highett studios.

Are there any other 40+’s currently enrolled in the program? Absolutely! We recently had a huge milestone broken – 2,000 visits by one of our favourite clients Daphne who has been with us now since 2015.

Hear from Current 40+ Students…

We saw it, we wanted it, we hesitated with it. “What if I’m the only “older” one there?” “What if I’m not limber enough?” We’ve got all the questions running through our heads, holding us back from starting pole dancing at the golden ages of 40 and up! 

But hell, these years are the years we should throw all doubts behind and reinvent ourselves. We do us, we tick off our bucket list and do the things we feared in our younger years. TPR host 40+ and Fabulous Courses that do just that! If you’re on the fence, hear from our lovely 40+ tribe members and what made them finally say YES to pole and how it has changed their lives.

Dani, 43

  • Reason for starting pole: Fitness, strength and fun. Tried it many years ago and keen to restart. The 40+ and Fabulous course was a great way to ease back in.
  • First impressions of TPR: Great set up, location and lovely staff.
  • What you’ve learnt about yourself by doing pole: I can do so much more than I imagined.
  • What you enjoy most about pole: Fun routines, teachers that can personalise teachings to the class and to individuals.
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Inclusive, patient, friendly.
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Just do it! You’re not too old!  Take it at your own pace. You will love it. Everyone is friendly, judgement-free and full of encouragement.

Raqx, 45

  • Reason for starting pole: The short answer is, I needed to be able to touch my toes. The long answer is, because I needed to participate in an exercise that I actually enjoyed and sparked happiness in my life (aka, not the gym). Pole is the only exercise where, not only am I working towards my ultimate goal, but I also get the opportunity to be fierce and sassy while I get there. I’m 40, not dead. 
  • First impressions of TPR: Staff are incredibly friendly, helpful and truly welcoming – check. Brilliant dance studios with awesome lighting that make you feel like a rockstar – check. A great bunch of people from all walks of life who you will soon be chatting with via Whatsapp groups, supporting and joining you on your pole journey – check. 
  • What you’ve learnt about themselves by doing pole: (WARNING: Games of Thrones analogy incoming) Imagine this, if you took a much older (and chunkier) Brienne of Tarth out of her armour and told her to climb a pole, that would be the best way to describe my starting point. However, as I have completed my first term of pole with TPR, I have started to notice the small improvements in strength and flexibility that bring me closer to becoming the pole dancer I want to be. Basically, I have learnt that it is from not giving up and keeping on trying and having fun. I will eventually land myself a Lannister, no matter where I started from.
  • What you enjoy most about pole: I get to finish my day at work and go dancing on a week night. 
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: This is a tribe that embraces you, encourages you, and helps you to achieve your pole goals. It’s not just the owners and the teachers that make this such a fabulous tribe, but it’s the great bunch of people who participate and support you along the way. Every time I leave class, although a little sore from the workout and attracting some “pole kisses,” I leave with the biggest smile on my face. 
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: YOU. CAN. DO. IT. Prior to joining TPR, I wanted to “get fit” and “build my strength” by using a gym membership to a magical place in Narnia I never went to. I saw 40+ and Fabulous and said to myself, “F It”, I jumped in head first.  I can honestly say I have zero regrets. Why?  Because no matter what stage you are at, TPR will support and respect the pace you need to take in order to reach your fitness and dancing goal. And hey, you won’t be the only fabulous one there 😊

Bromwyn, 52

  • Reason for starting pole: Social activity with my bestie!
  • First impression of TPR: Inviting and warm
  • What have you learned about yourself by doing pole: I’ve only done one class, but I know that I can laugh at myself and have fun with out being self conscious.
  • What do you enjoy most about pole: Meeting new people and realising I am ME and that is okay. Lumps and bumps included.
  • How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Friendly, welcoming and extremely supportive of my achievements, no matter how small.
  • Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Lumps, bumps are okay. You are not as sore after class as you think you may be. Sockettes are a must. Being uncoordinated and lacking in gracefulness are not reasons to not give it a go!

Sue Crute, a TPR student story…

sue crute

Sitting opposite me in the foyer of The Pole Room is a woman as graceful and delicate as the white rose on the table in front of her although, with Sue, there is always more than meets the eye. Outside of The Pole Room Sue is a 62 year old community care attendant who loves to read, be in the garden and spend time with her two whippet dogs and cat, but inside the studio Sue is much more than many people her age dare to be – she’s an inspiring pole artist; as fierce, strong and sexy as any person that steps foot into a TPR pole dancing class. As the gentle morning sun lights up the room, I watch as Sue’s eyes light up similarly when she talks about her deep love of Pole Dancing.

So why did you start pole dancing Sue?

I guess because I was getting bored at the gym and I wanted to incorporate some beauty, style, grace and finesse into my workout and at the same time make it fun and hang onto what sexiness I still have left (laughs).

I want to do pole dancing now because the time will come when I can’t do it anymore because I’ll be far too old. So this is a big priority in my life at the moment.

What do your friends think of you doing pole dancing?

Well, some of them are a bit, you know, (putting on a hilariously patronizing face) “Ohhh yeah?” But most people are supportive because they realise that I’ve become very focused and that if I go for something I go in – boots and all – and that’s it. I can really latch onto something. I’ve had some people in my age group sort of literally look me up and down and go “Pffft”, you know?

And what do you say to that?

Well, I say to them: “What’s the alternative? Be like YOU?” (Laughs). No I don’t say that, I don’t say that. But I do say, “Well, you know what, I’m quite happy about it; I’m happy and comfortable with what I do, so make your own arrangements bud.” Basically, I think you get to a certain age, well I know I did, where I don’t really give a damn anymore. Honestly, I know that there’s nothing I can do to change anyone else’s mind; all I’m responsible for is me.

Absolutely, whatever makes you happy. And what do you think about people that criticize pole dancing in general?

What I try to do is, I try to find a nice opportunity to politely let them know that it is a fitness modality. Yes, it may well have started out in strip clubs years ago and it might still be in strip clubs, however, it is now a bona fide fitness modality and it is gaining worldwide recognition and I think there is even a move to push it into the Olympic arena.

So why do you come to The Pole Room?

Because it’s just a great community, its very supportive, very nurturing, and everybody really is out for everybody, you know. No ones nasty; it’s a very nurturing place.

Which pole dancer inspires you the most?

Well, Jas (Owner) obviously is one. And Mel, my instructor; and Jules (another instructor) too. There’s too many to name! Each dancer has their own style that’s quite distinctive.

Anybody that can do better than me inspires me. Anybody who is doing the best they can and I can see improvement in, inspires me. Even if they’re in a lower level than I am, I get inspired by their dedication and efforts and the motivation that they have.

And in the same way do you feel like you inspire others that aren’t yet at your level?

Apparently I do. It’s only recently that it’s come to my attention though, and I was really quite gob-smacked, and also very touched.

I don’t think you realise just how much everyone here is so moved by you. Not just by your pole progression, but who you are as a person; the positivity you bring to this space and the spirit you bring to this community.

Stop it, you’ll make me cry.

It’s true! We absolutely love you here because what you bring to this space is something that every single person here looks up to as women of all ages. Even these teachers that inspire you, you inspire them in return.

It makes me cry when I think that there are people here that really look up to me, you know, I just feel so ordinary.

But you’re not, you know?

Yeah, I’m just an ordinary person that goes home to a messy house and has to shower and wash the dishes and all that.

But you forgot to add that you’re also an inspirational pole dancer. I heard that you are going to perform a routine in front of everyone soon, even though being in front of an audience is hard for you?

Well it is because I’m, not really a centre-of-attention type of person. I know I’m a bit loud and brassy at times (laughs), but yeah, this performance is kind of a personal challenge I’ve had for quite a long time.

What’s the song and how would you describe the dance?

Everybody wants to rule the world, by Lorde. And it’s dramatic; dramatic and sexy.

Amazing, and what would you say to anyone of any age that is thinking of starting a pole journey?

Do it!

Simply, do it?

Yes, do it! Because at the end of the day we all have the same insecurities and anxieties and everybody else around you has got the same difficulties. We are all really the same so you may as well just get in there and do it. And honestly, you never know where it might take you…


40+ & Fabulous Course

If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you (despite having a crazy schedule), make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. 

The TPR Tribe Manifesto

What does it mean to be part of the TPR Tribe? What are our values? What do we stand for?

With the help of our wonderful students, we’ve put together the TPR Tribe Manifesto to remind our community to live their best life through pole and aerial.

Being part of the TPR Tribe means you’re committed to being the sassiest, most bad-ass, confident version of yourself. When you’re strutting around in those heels or doing things that are only made possible at the studios, there’s nothing that can stop you.

When you bring that mindset into your day-to-day, you’re invincible, powerful, fierce, and determined to achieve the impossible. A TPR Tribe Member sees beauty in themselves, and in others. They are accepting, open and free of judgement. Instead of trying to compete against their peers, a TPR Tribe member lifts them up, inspiring all those around them to be their very best. Because of this, a TPR Tribe is a total force to be reckoned with!

They are magnetic and share their infectious energy across their work and personal lives. Wearing your TPR Tribe badge means you live a life that is full of passion and excitement. You’re bold in taking risks, you know how to have fun, and you don’t hold back.

The person you see in the mirror is strong, secure and proud of who they have become. And when challenges and self doubt come your way, you know you can lean on your fellow TPR Tribe members (and that inner voice in your head) that reminds you that you can do absolutely anything.


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and take control of the beliefs that have held you back from being the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Send a message to [email protected] for a complimentary trial class. X

Reopening FAQs + CBD Makeover

Hey Tribe 👋 What a ride the last few months have been! Thank you SO much for standing by us. From shopping your favs online, attending our Virtual/In-Studio classes, to even becoming a Tribe Supporter, your contribution doesn’t go unnoticed and is a huge reason we’ve made it this far.

Now for the news we’ve all been waiting for…REOPENING!

This is probably the most important blog post we’ve ever written so please pay attention and keep checking back for any updates. We cover:

  • CBD’s Temporary Closure (and Relaunch): We will build back stronger with new facilities and more room to play in 2022!
  • Mitcham, Kilsyth and Highett studios reopening: Important things you need to know about your account and booking classes
  • Vaccination Mandate and Certificates: How to show proof so you’re ready to go
  • Student FAQs: Things to know about your Memberships and Session Packs
  • New Students and waitlists : Join our waiting list so you’re ready to go when we open
  • Mitcham Studio after-hours access: Can’t make studio practice time? Now you can Pole after-hours!
  • Virtual Studio update: Your Zoom classes and On-Demand training is here to stay



Let’s start things off with the news that our CBD location is staying closed until early 2022.

When we reopen you’ll be walking into new facilities, a diverse and comprehensive timetable and more room to play!

As the ONLY pole and aerial facility in the Melbourne CBD, our entire team is excited to bring you higher ceilings, aerial apparatuses, morning classes and so much more. Keep an eye on your inbox and on socials to get the latest. You’ll get a glimpse of what’s happening behind the scenes as we work to bring the new space to life. We promise it will be well worth the wait!

What can I do while the studio is closed? Whilst renovations and studio fittings are underway, all students are welcome to attend our Mitcham, Highett, Kilsyth and Virtual Studios.


I’m currently a CBD member, what happens to my membership? Your account will stay on suspension and sessions frozen until reopening. If you wish to attend other locations contact us directly so we can temporarily transfer you.


The Kilsyth, Mitcham and Virtual Studios don’t work for me. What happens to my account? If the Kilsyth, Mitcham and Virtual Studios aren’t convenient enough for you, we’ll pause your account until the new CBD location is fully operational.


Where are you moving to? We’re not giving away too many secrets but the new location won’t be far.


I’m interested in starting classes at CBD, how can I register my interest for the new studio? Join our waitlist so you’re first to be contacted when we relaunch the new space.


Save the date for THIS SATURDAY, October 30th! That’s when we’re opening.

Your instructors can’t wait to rebuild your strength, while bringing that sass, fun and laughter back to the studio!

Classes will be uploaded into the timetable by this Monday (Oct 25th) and will be ready for booking from 3pm Tuesday (26th Oct)! 


The Pole Room has always been an inclusive and welcoming space for everyone. It breaks our hearts to know that due to Victorian Government regulations, our studios can only open to fully vaccinated individuals. 

We believe this is only temporary and we can welcome everyone back in studio soon. If you are not vaccinated our Virtual Studio will continue to operate as normal with many instructors staying onboard to continue bringing you our program online.

For those attending our physical locations, you will need to provide proof of full vaccinations. We’re making this process simple and asking that you either :

a) Upload your Vaccination Certificate in advance using our Contact Us form
b) Bring a copy of your Vaccination Certificate to the studio for Front Desk

Once your status is verified a green tick will appear on your account so you won’t need to worry about providing proof each time you arrive.


When do Membership payments recommence? We know many students have accrued sessions and will need to catch-up on any accrued sessions.. Therefore Direct Debits won’t begin until the week of November 15th.

I’m unable attend straight away when you reopen? If you’re not able to attend when reopen we ask that you submit a suspension request here. 

I’m new and ready to try a pole and/or aerial class! How do I get started? Join our waitlist so you’re first to be contacted when we relaunch the new space.

When can I book upcoming classes? Classes will be uploaded into the timetable by this Monday (Oct 25th) and will be ready for booking from Friday 29th!

I have expired sessions on my account. What happens to my account? As usual all sessions will be extended by the duration of the lockdown. Our admin team is already in the process of extending your sessions. You can submit a session extension request if you feel we may have missed something.

We’ll continue to update this section with more FAQs as they come.


Crazy schedule? Didn’t book early enough for a spot in your favourite class? In a TPR first, our Mitcham studio will be trialing an after-hours room to make training even more convenient and accessible for busy lifestyles.

After-Hours Access will first run as a trial. If you practice regularly and are interested in being part of our After-Hours Access trial simply complete the contact us form on our website. This trial is limited to the first 7 people.



Rain, hail, or shine, Virtual Studio Live Classes and On-Demand training is here to stay. Whether your way of getting fit is on or off the pole, you can continue to build on your goals and gain access to your favourite instructors.

The Virtual Studio is a great way to compliment your flexibility goals, and it’s also a super convenient way to fast-track your skills on the pole. If the time has come to own your own home pole, click here to check out your options!

If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!



The Link Between Self-love, Confidence & Pole Dancing

– Article By Kati H

A spinning metal apparatus…not something you’d initially link with self-love, but for thousands of people all over the world (including myself), it offered exactly that. This is because true self-love goes much deeper than a surface-level skincare routine or eating well. Although these things are important, they don’t allow for us to really get to know ourselves, or offer us the chance to discover our inner strength and confidence.

The truth about finding self-love and confidence

Pole dancing gives us a unique opportunity to transform us from who we thought we were, to who we have the ability to become. It take us to the depths of ourselves because it’s hard work! Self love doesn’t come from lying in a bubble bath telling ourselves how fabulous we are. It develops through discipline and taking consistent action that challenges us to grow. We need to show, not tell ourselves how amazing and confident we are!

Personal growth through pole

Pole gives us insight that I don’t believe any other “fitness” regime can offer. I’m proud to say I’ve been a part of the pole industry for 13 and a half years. It has grown and evolved so much in that time, and I know it will continue to. There will always be a new trick to learn, a new dance style created (and new heels to buy!) and this keeps us growing and evolving with it, while keeping us humble.

Every single time we attend a pole, flexibility or dance class, we are showing ourselves love. We are doing something good for our bodies, mind and soul, and the best thing about it…it’s fun! So we genuinely want to show up, learn, and build confidence. That doesn’t mean we never have our off-days. It’s all a natural part of the process!

Being in feel-good environment

But it’s in those moments we get to choose how we show up for ourselves. We pole dancers can often be so hard on ourselves, falling prey to comparison over our fellow polers or our Instagram idols, but then we remember why we started…because we LOVE it and because it makes us feel good on the inside. And if that’s not enough to get us through our momentary struggle, then that’s when our Tribe shows up to offer guidance and support. Nobody is 100% immune to the inner critic, so this is when we can be grateful to be in a class with pumping tunes and laughter to drown out the self doubts when they creep in.

Pole has taught me so much about myself. It’s made me stronger than I could have ever dreamed (and not just physically), and it’s helped me accept and love myself fully – all while feeling confident and sexy AF in my 8″ heels! And I know it can do the same for you.

Kati has been pole-ing for over a decade and is favourited by students for her flowy, graceful style. She is also a Self Love Coach, and yoga teacher who has a focus on helping women bring out their inner strengths. View her profile to learn more and book a private, 1-on-1 lesson.

If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and take control of the beliefs that have held you back from being the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!

Tech Upgrade: Five Apps to Become One!

As we continue to improve our delivery we are merging all studio apps into one. This means that the Virtual Studio, Mitcham, CBD and Highett will be merged into the Kilsyth app.

In anticipation of the studios reopening it is important to download the new app at your nearest possible convenience to ensure you can keep booking your favourite classes. From today all other apps will become redundant and should be deleted from your phone to avoid confusion.

Get the app by clicking the link below or searching your phones app store.

Using the official studio app you will be able to:

  • Check the number of classes remaining on your account
  • View past and future visits
  • Review your classes and appointments
  • Set class reminders on your calendar
  • Automatically check in to class on arrival
  • Purchase sessions, practice and privates
  • Book upcoming classes and join waitlist
  • Get the latest news and info as it comes


Are you a new student and looking to get started at our studios? Simply select your location, add your contact details and our team will be in touch. If you have a specific question about our program please visit our 'Contact Us' page here.