TERM 1 STARTS MONDAY 13 JAN. Bookings open 9 Jan!

The Link Between Self-love, Confidence & Pole Dancing

– Article By Kati H

A spinning metal apparatus…not something you’d initially link with self-love, but for thousands of people all over the world (including myself), it offered exactly that. This is because true self-love goes much deeper than a surface-level skincare routine or eating well. Although these things are important, they don’t allow for us to really get to know ourselves, or offer us the chance to discover our inner strength and confidence.

The truth about finding self-love and confidence

Pole dancing gives us a unique opportunity to transform us from who we thought we were, to who we have the ability to become. It take us to the depths of ourselves because it’s hard work! Self love doesn’t come from lying in a bubble bath telling ourselves how fabulous we are. It develops through discipline and taking consistent action that challenges us to grow. We need to show, not tell ourselves how amazing and confident we are!

Personal growth through pole

Pole gives us insight that I don’t believe any other “fitness” regime can offer. I’m proud to say I’ve been a part of the pole industry for 13 and a half years. It has grown and evolved so much in that time, and I know it will continue to. There will always be a new trick to learn, a new dance style created (and new heels to buy!) and this keeps us growing and evolving with it, while keeping us humble.

Every single time we attend a pole, flexibility or dance class, we are showing ourselves love. We are doing something good for our bodies, mind and soul, and the best thing about it…it’s fun! So we genuinely want to show up, learn, and build confidence. That doesn’t mean we never have our off-days. It’s all a natural part of the process!

Being in feel-good environment

But it’s in those moments we get to choose how we show up for ourselves. We pole dancers can often be so hard on ourselves, falling prey to comparison over our fellow polers or our Instagram idols, but then we remember why we started…because we LOVE it and because it makes us feel good on the inside. And if that’s not enough to get us through our momentary struggle, then that’s when our Tribe shows up to offer guidance and support. Nobody is 100% immune to the inner critic, so this is when we can be grateful to be in a class with pumping tunes and laughter to drown out the self doubts when they creep in.

Pole has taught me so much about myself. It’s made me stronger than I could have ever dreamed (and not just physically), and it’s helped me accept and love myself fully – all while feeling confident and sexy AF in my 8″ heels! And I know it can do the same for you.

Kati has been pole-ing for over a decade and is favourited by students for her flowy, graceful style. She is also a Self Love Coach, and yoga teacher who has a focus on helping women bring out their inner strengths. View her profile to learn more and book a private, 1-on-1 lesson.

If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and take control of the beliefs that have held you back from being the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!



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