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Can I pay my membership in cash?

Memberships require a direct debit from your primary cards saved details. We also require a BSB & Acc Number for the selected card as a backup payment option if the card is lost, stolen or expired.
You can add multiple credit cards to the app and choose which one you want to use while checking out, but you will always need to have at least one primary credit card on file. If you need to update or remove your primary payment card please contact us directly.


How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership simply email [email protected] with the same email you signed up with. 


What is the membership suspension policy?

All memberships have a 12-week minimum term from the date of activation. Therefore no suspensions or cancellations are permitted during this time. 7 days notice is required to suspend your membership. The 7 day period will start once your signature has been received and cannot be backdated.
When your account is suspended it becomes inactive and sessions cannot be used. Accrued session expiration times are frozen to ensure they do not expire and will be available when you return. All suspensions require a return date.

What is the membership cancellation policy?

All memberships have a 12-week minimum term from the date of activation. Therefore no suspensions or cancellations are permitted during this time. 28 days notice is required to cancel your membership. The 28 day cancellation period will start once a cancellation form has been completed and received. Forms cannot be backdated. Fortnightly debits will occur as normal during the 28 day cancellation period. When your account is cancelled your account will remain ‘active’ for 30 days. During this time any remaining sessions can be used at the studio.



When can I upgrade or downgrade my membership?

Membership upgrades are available at any time. Membership downgrades require a membership cancellation.


I just started my membership, can I suspend or cancel?

All memberships have a 12-week minimum term from the date of activation. Therefore no suspensions or cancellations are permitted during this time. A 7-day cooling off period applies from the date your membership is activated


How can I view or print proof of an electronic confirmation of a contract?

Signed contract agreements can be viewed in the app in the client’s Account Details screen.

To print electronic confirmation of a contract, sign in to The Pole Room consumer mode online using your app login details. Under the ‘Account’ tab you will find your contract(s) within the Autopay section.





Are you a new student and looking to get started at our studios? Simply select your location, add your contact details and our team will be in touch. If you have a specific question about our program please visit our 'Contact Us' page here.