step 1


Attend classes consistently and learn the tricks and moves to gracefully work the pole

step 2


Take practice sessions to train and perfect what you learn in class

step 3


Complete all rotations of your level and meet all the technical goals and requirements

step 4


Demonstrate mastery through a grading session to unlock the next level!

Grading sessions will run throughout the year and upcoming dates will be announced in studios. Students are encouraged to book a grading session if they have completed all rotations of the level they are enrolled in. When completing a grading session the student should be able to demonstrate a high level of competency when performing the core tricks on both sides of their body and have the stamina to perform the required combinations. Talk to your instructor to learn more. Grading is free for all members.



How long do classes run and what is the class structure?

Each course class is made up of a 10-15 min warm up, a tricks component and a dance component. Covering these every week will help ensure you get an all-round understanding of movement, strength and technique required to be a pole superstar!

Unable to book classes on the app?

You may not have any valid sessions available to book, the class may be fully booked or the current sessions you have may not be valid for the type you are attempting to book – i.e. You’r booking a Workshop rather than a class. You can view your active sessions on the app in the My Account tab.

I’ve booked the wrong class and I can’t remove myself?

One common reason for this is you have booked outside of the cancellation window. Please contact the studio immediately to resolve the issue. If it is not resolved quickly your session may be forfeited if the class is at full capacity and not allowing others to book.


I’m on a waitlist, what does that mean?

Our classes allow for students to add themselves to the class waitlist in order to be notified if a spot becomes available. You will receive a text message or email confirming a spot has become available for you to join.


How do I know if I get into a class from a waitlist?

You will always be notified by email or text when you make it from the Waitlist into the class. Please ensure that your have enabled all your communication settings in your TPR account to receiving text message and/or email notifications. You can change your communication setting from the Settings tab on the app.


I’m on the waitlist, am I able to come to the studio to see if a spot becomes available last minute?

You can opt to be on standby but we cannot guarantee a spot will become available.


I need to reschedule my classes?

To early cancel out of a class, you will need to log into your TPR account, find the class you booked in for and select the cancellation option. Bookings cancelled within 24 hours of the class commencing will be marked as a Late Cancel. A Late Cancel is forfeiting of that session.
The exception to this is if it’s for a medical reason, which will require a medical certificate to be sent through to the studio.


I’m unwell and can no longer attend my scheduled class… can I be credited back my session?

If you are unwell or injured it is your responsibility to remove yourself from class outside the cancellation window of 8 hours. If cancellation is within 8 hours of the class commencing we will require a medical certificate from your health practitioner to credit the session/s back on to your account. 


Can I use my phone to film?

We do allow filming in class as long as the camera is positioned in a way that you’re the only person in the frame. Please be courteous and aware that others may not want themselves on camera. 

Recording and the use of your phone should only be done after the instructor has finished giving safety instructions and body cues. You may also at times be required to assist and spot your fellow students in difficult or complex moves. Please pay attention to your instructor and fellow classmates at all times. We do not allow the use of phones to text and call as a distraction may result in injury or misunderstanding of key points.

Don’t forget to tag us on instagram @thepoleroom or use the hashtags #tprtribe #thepoleroom

What careers are available in pole?

Pole is a gift that keeps on giving! As you progress through the levels and fall in love with the sport, there are opportunities to dance, teach or even own your own TPR franchise! Speak to the team to find out more!

Outside the course classes, what other classes are available on the timetable?

The TPR timetable is filled with conditioning, flexibility, tricks and dance classes. Each class is designed so you can have a comprehensive skillset to become an incredible poler. Make sure you try them all!

How do private lessons work?

Private lessons are tailored sessions which are booked with the instructor of your choice. Speak to your instructor with an agreed time and chat about your goals so you can blitz through your goals and finetune your art!

What opportunities and pathways are there for me to perform?

TPR has a strong performance culture which will keep you motivated to achieve outstanding feats! Outside end-of-term performance nights, we also have major events like GLOW and SHINE which take place in sold-out theatres annually. Head here to learn more. In addition, there are many state and national competitions that take place throughout the year, shall you wish to compete against the top polers in the country!

Can I train at multiple studio locations?

TPR has 4 studio locations accross Victoria (and counting!) Highett students may train at Highett, whilst students across Mitcham, Kilsyth and CBD may cross-train at each others’s studios.

When can I rebook in a course?

Course rebookings open in Week 6 of every term. You’ll get plenty of reminders from your Studio Managers and Instructors for when this takes place, so be on the pulse to secure your spot!

How can I fully immerse myself in the TPR Tribe community?

There’s a world to enjoy! Ensure you join the TPR Tribe group, attend workshops and events, follow your instructors on socials, connect with your Tribe members, and while you’re there, make sure you create your own pole Instagram page to track your progress.

Am I able to just do casual classes instead of enrolling into a course?

You may attend casual classes and navigate through your pole journey on your own, but courses are the way to go in order to excel efficiently and effectively. This is because courses are structured in a methodical way, so that you learn the essential skills for each level. The extra accountability will help you keep your focus on the pulse!

Can I repeat a level?

Of course – The best thing about pole is that you completely go at your own pace. Some students like to repeat levels and progress gradually, whilst others like to keep on moving up as quick as possible. It’s entirely up to you and your goals.

What level of courses or classes can I book into?

You may take part in any level course or class that you’re booked into, as well as any levels beneath.

Can I do more than one course?

You certainly can, and encourage you to do so! Just make sure the courses you enrol in are within your level.


1/5 Graham Road, Highett VIC, Australia
0432 117 446 Studio Hours: 4PM - 9 PM

Mitcham Studio

2E Cochrane Street, Mitcham VIC, Australia
(03) 9874 6323 Class Hours: 4PM - 9 PM




Are you a new student and looking to get started at our studios? Simply select your location, add your contact details and our team will be in touch. If you have a specific question about our program please visit our 'Contact Us' page here.